Executive Wingman Alliance

Exclusive Solution for Business Leaders who want Radical Results Fast

As a C-Level Executive, or Owner of a Medium to Large Business

You want to create rapid step-change in business results that
leaves competitors in the dust!

But when critical challenges threaten results, dreams of great success can
quickly turn to nightmares of looming disaster.

Even the most successful leaders in the world encounter business challenges they struggle to find solutions to and you’re not alone if challenges like these are keeping you up at night:

  • Mounting pressure from shareholders to deliver better results with fewer resources,
  • Urgency for the Company to raise its game and recapture market share lost to competitors,
  • Struggling to break through the growth ceiling, which is holding the Company back,
  • Frustrated by the waste, inefficiencies and profit-leaks killing your bottom-line,
  • Plagued by union activity disrupting workflow & productivity and crippling the business,
  • Irritated you’re not getting the results you could be getting from the resources you already have,
  • Firefighting & operational challenges are stealing time needed to focus on strategy and growth,
  • Battling to retain and attract high-performers, creating capacity gaps that damage output and quality,
  • Leaders and staff are not taking full ownership of driving results and growth in their areas,
  • Losing too many disciplinary appeals, forcing the company to re-employ or compensate dismissed under-performers,
  • Alarming increase in customer complaints that isn’t being addressed effectively at the root cause,
  • Disengaged staff, low morale and ailing productivity are strangling margins,
  • Despite being profitable, tight cash flows are holding you back from investing in the Company’s growth,
  • You feel like you’re fighting this battle alone, without an ally you can rely on as a sounding board, or depend on for urgent support, honest feedback, or sound advice when needed.
Wilde Success, Business Coach, Business Coaching, Carmen Wilde, Gary Wilde, Business Challenges

and that’s just part of an endless list of pressing challenges you may be facing that can stand in the way of your Company’s growth and ongoing success.

It can get pretty lonely at the Top,

Even with a team of senior leaders at your disposal and a workforce of hundreds, or even thousands of employees, you carry the full weight of responsibility for the Company’s results.

Stakeholders have invested their confidence in you to find solutions to critical challenges, which can become overbearing if solutions elude you and it feels like you’re facing these challenges alone.

How Much EASIER Would Your Job be
with an Experienced Wingman at Your Side?

The pressure is on to raise the bar on business performance and deliver BIGGER results than ever before and you can
enjoy the welcome relief of having a trusted ally at your side, who will support you in Overcoming Critical Challenges and achieving Radical Business Results in Record Time.

EXECUTIVE WINGMAN ALLIANCE… No ordinary engagement!

Executive Wingman Alliance is a uniquely powerful and exclusive engagement offered to a select few Business
Leaders who are determined to take their business to a whole new level of success.

Draw on your Executive Wingman to…

  • Get to the root cause of problems fast and formulate robust solutions that last,
  • Cultivate a self-managed work environment where you can depend on leaders and employees to always go the extra mile to deliver superior results,
  • Identify and plug profit-leaks to see immediate improvements in your bottom-line,
  • Formulate rapid turnaround strategies for under-performing departments or divisions, eliminating bottlenecks and elevating overall business performance,
  • Employ unconventional measures to dramatically reduce waste, rework and inefficiencies, extracting greater value from existing resources,
  • Manage under-performers “up or out” of your business fast, with proven processes that will stand up to any legal dispute,
  • Attract and retain high-performers to supercharge business capability and outpace competitors indefinitely,
  • Defuse tensions between the union and management and build a constructive working relationship, while taking back management’s power to make decisions and run the business,
  • Revive workforce productivity and restore order, discipline and peace, and disarm malicious union members who disrupt business activities for power and personal gain,
  • Rekindle relationships with grumpy customers and skyrocket customer satisfaction and loyalty using powerful techniques that don’t cost you a cent,
  • Have a skilled sparring partner to bounce ideas off, challenge your thinking and help you make well-informed decisions that deliver the best results,
  • Expand your leadership skill-set even further and steer your business onto a steeper growth path,
  • Confidentially resolve personal challenges diluting your focus, or sapping your energy, to quickly find your groove again while improving your quality of life.
Wilde Success, Business Coach, Business Coaching, Carmen Wilde, Gary Wilde, Positive results
Wilde Success, Business Coach, Business Coaching, Carmen Wilde, Gary Wilde, Light bulb door

For every pressing challenge you face, an elegant solution exists and with your
Wingman at your side, they’re so much easier to find!

Get an Unfair Advantage Over Competitors

A Uniquely Valuable Secret Weapon!

With your Executive Wingman at your side, you'll have a rare blend of powerful skills at your disposal and a wealth of business transformation experience and leadership insights to draw on, giving you access to a
high-impact resource your competitors don’t have.

Wilde Success, Business Coach, Business Coaching, Carmen Wilde, Gary Wilde, Radical Results
Wilde Success, Business Coach, Business Coaching, Carmen Wilde, Gary Wilde, Compass & Magnifying glass

What you get with your Executive Wingman:

  • Turnaround & Transformation Specialist with a reputation for rapid results,
  • Human behavioural specialist with potent leadership insight,
  • Extensive financial management skills and experience to get the numbers singing to you,
  • Experienced Business Analyst with a ‘thing’ for optimization and efficiency,
  • Expert in Critical Problem Solving, to get to the root cause and formulate solutions fast,
  • Skilled communications expert and copywriter, to get your message across elegantly and effectively,
  • Professional Speaker and Subject Matter Expert, to gain buy-in and rally support from target audiences,
  • Leadership Development Expert, to transfer specialist skills quickly,
  • Successful Blue-Chip business leader credited with a string of accolades as well as dynamic Entrepreneur with businesses in four countries, bringing you the best success secrets from both worlds,
  • World-Class Executive & Business Coach and Leadership Mentor, to help you navigate nimbly through even the toughest challenges,
  • Confidante and sparring partner whose got your back, who you can depend on to give you the support you need when everyone else is running for cover.

It’s like having a Swiss-army knife of strategic resources at your disposal!

You Too Can Fast Track Your Way to Radical Results with an
Executive Wingman Alliance.

“From Losses to profits in less than a year”

Tony Pace: CEO Pace Global

"Before the turnaround we didn’t have a clear and effective strategy and were borrowing money to cover losses. We weren't focused because we didn't have clear direction and needed expert guidance and support to move forward and grow the business with confidence.

Gary helped me develop and implement a completely new strategy. Within three months of implementing the strategy, we were no longer drawing down against shareholder loans to cover operational expenses... we were self-sufficient! Within 9 months we reached turnaround. Within a year we were profitable. Three years down the line we have 70% market share in our territory. The transformation was faster than I could’ve imagined and brought about a renewed sense of excitement about the future.”

What's involved with an Executive Wingman Alliance?

Exclusive context driven engagement that dynamically adapts to changing business demands.

An Executive Wingman Alliance is forged on specific and measurable core objectives, which we define and agree at the outset,
to guide the core activities of our engagement. As the Wing Commander of your business, you also want specialist support
that's as multifaceted and dynamic as your role, which is a fundamental quality of this uniquely powerful engagement.

Radical Results Blueprint™

Our Radical Results Blueprint™ is applied to every problem, challenge or objective. This is a powerful proprietary framework proven to get results fast. Rather than following a rigid or inflexible system, this blueprint introduces a structured process with the flexibility to be adapted as environmental variables change and new information is brought to light.

Wilde Success, Business Coach, Business Coaching, Carmen Wilde, Gary Wilde, Radical Results Blueprint Model


Draw on your Executive Wingman’s commercial skills and experience to formulate bespoke solutions to specific challenges, freeing up your time to focus on other pressing strategic matters. Anything from exploring opportunities to unlocking hidden profits and leveraging resources, to crafting an important stakeholder communication, your Wingman’s got your back.


Tap into your Wingman’s extensive breadth of knowledge, experience and specialist skills to expand and enhance your own toolkit of leadership skills and develop even greater resourcefulness and confidence to take your business to the next level.

Go a few rounds with your Wingman when you need a sparring partner and sounding board to test ideas and challenge your thinking, or lean on your Wingman when you need a confidante to discuss sensitive business issues or important personal matters that require urgent attention.


Rely on your Wingman to help you unlock even more of your potential and hold you accountable to your dreams and aspirations. Tackle urgent and important business challenges as they arise through powerful coaching conversations, while formulating and embedding an arsenal of new thinking strategies to propel you towards achieving your goals even sooner.

Strategic Support on Demand

Get strategic support when you need it most, with priority access to your Wingman 24/7, to solve critical problems in a hurry.

Gain a Powerful EDGE over Your Competitors and Achieve
Radical Results in Record-Time with Your Executive Wingman at Your Side!

"Over 300 jobs saved... we would have closed the operation!"

Dave Moon: Vice President, Metso Operations, Africa, Middle East & Turkey

“One of my operations was under-performing when benchmarked against other operations across the organization. I decided to bring in an independent turnaround specialist to help determine the root cause of that under-performance. After appraising the situation first hand, Gary Wilde formulated an insightful turnaround plan.

Through the turnaround, we encountered many different hurdles along the way, proving to be a far more complex turnaround than initially anticipated. But Gary dynamically adjusted his approach and drew on the necessary specialist resources to get the job done.

Prior to the turnaround, we were contemplating closure of the plant, and Gary successfully managed a very complex turnaround project that ultimately saved over 300 jobs and preserved our strategic manufacturing capability in this region. It really was a saving grace.... we would have closed the operation.

I thought I was passionate about my business, but this guy was more passionate about my business for the period I engaged him."

“Follow the textbook for textbook results, rewrite the textbook for radical results”

Gary Wilde

!!!! WARNING !!!
Reserved for dynamic leaders with the courage to challenge their own thinking

25 years of spearheading business turnarounds and transformation initiatives has revealed a critical condition of success… TURNAROUND / TRANSFORMATION STARTS AT THE TOP!

An organization's performance, as well as its strengths, weaknesses, competitive edge and limitations, are all a function of the unique qualities of its Captain... decision-making strategies, priorities, leadership style, and many more.

Every earth-shattering win, every epic failure, and even average results, can all be traced back to the ‘big chair’... so when change happens here, for better or worse, it cascades through the organization like wildfire, changing the company's course.

A Wingman engagement is NOT for leaders who refuse to look in the mirror for solutions!

Leaders who cling to old habits, refuse to question their own assumptions, or who believe they're beyond learning, won't reap the full benefits of an Executive Wingman Alliance and would be advised to seek support from other specialists who would be a far better fit.

If you're willing to do what it takes to achieve Radical Results,

Next-level success requires next-level thinking and leaders with the confidence to admit they're imperfect and the willingness to explore new ideas, are way ahead of the game, because every success story is characterized by a journey of self-discovery that is richly rewarding and pays dividends for life.

Finding the most elegant solutions to business challenges requires an open mind and a willingness to explore the obscure and unconventional, because elusive answers are never found within the confines of conventional wisdom!

An Executive Wingman Alliance may be
the Powerful Solution You've Been Looking for

If you’re determined to break through the performance ceiling and willing to do what it takes to achieve Radical Results, follow the link below to apply for a free Executive Wingman Exploration Call.

To Your Wilde Success

Team Wilde